Camelyn - M2

Camelyn - M2

  • €289.00
  • €319.00

Camelyn - M2

                                      Permitted to buy without prescription.


Pharmaceutical Form: Capsules


Camelyn M - 0,07g
Natrium Hydrocarbonate - 0,31g
Magnesium Carbonate - 0.11g
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (Povidone) - 0.01g

The medication: Camelyn -M2 has is made of an extract of a select honey. Camelyn -M2 contains: Ketones, Ethers, Bioorganic acids, Phenoles, Aldehydes, Furfural.

Description: light brown granules, brown Capsules

Pharmacotherapeutic Group: immunomodulator, antioxidant.

Pharmacological Properties:

Camelyn- M2 has an immunomodulating activity. It increases the humoral and cellular immunity. As a result of introduction of Camelyn -M2 iL-1, iL-6 and iL-12 cytokinins are released. Camelyn- M2 takes part in the development of cellular immunity and T-lymphocytic reactions, amongst in enhancing of the mitogenesis of peripheral lymphocytes, in increasing of T-helpers and T-cytotoxic cells ratio, in strengthening of microorganisms and anti malignant cells activity by macrophages and in reduction of Tc cells. Camelyn -M2 is effective as an immunomodulator, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, regenerative, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic; it inhibits malignant growth.

Therapeutic Indication:

Camelyn -M2 capsules is applied as constituent part of complex therapy, as well as independently, in all those case, when stimulation of immunity, immune response of the organism are required:

- viral infections
- bacterial infections
- mycotic infections
- tumour diseases
- dystrophic degeneration
- diseases of joints
- polyneuropathy
- postoperation period
- traumas

Method of Administration:

capsules are taken with water three times daily thirty minutes prior to meals. Course of treatment: twenty days. After each course, cease using for eight days then continue with the subsequent course. Duration of treatment is two to five courses. If necessary, it is possible to extend treatment with additional courses.

Side Effects:


is non-toxic in therapeutic doses, it has no side effects. It is possible to have an individual hypersensitivity towards the components of the medication.

Contraindications: no contraindications.

Interaction with other Preparations: Camelyn- M2 is compatible with all the medications used for treatment of the above listed indications.

Form of Release: 0,5g capsules Camelyn- M2. Thirty capsules in each box. Ten capsules on one blister.

Storage Conditions: store in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children.

Shelf Life: 3 years.


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